Ultimate Poker Gets Headlines, Nevada Reaps Rewards
There has been sort of a misnomer in many news reports out today that lead with the headline “online gambling has begun in Nevada,” when in fact only one form of gambling, online poker, has actually begun. But it is still a feat and is likely to spark a rampage of legalization across the country.

Online poker for Nevada visitors is now an option!
That’s right, we stuck all that information into one sentence that reads more like a confusing two paragraphs! But whatever, it gets the point across, or does it? Well, let’s move on…
The state is very excited about Ultimate Poker and the estimates are starting to roll in. On a state level it will likely lead to millions and millions of dollars per year. On a nation scale it is likely to be a multi-billion dollar industry.
“Being the first is a big deal. It’s important for Nevada. Nevada is the first to go live,” said Tom Breitling, chairman of Ultimate Poker.
According to the USA Today, Ultimate Poker does not plan spending much money on advertising, but why would they? They will forever be known as the first regulated online poker site the United States has ever seen, and as a result they got front-page coverage on the USA Today! Who needs to spend money advertising when you get such huge exposure for free?