Ben Affleck Banned from Blackjack at Hard Rock, Ha!
In one of the more humorous stories from the past week, movie star, Ben Affleck, was banned from the blackjack tables at Hard Rock Las Vegas. Why so humorous? Because he was only banned from the blackjack tables. He can play poker, slots, craps, anything else, just NO BLACKJACK!
Also funny, because the hotel is in a sticky situation with banning a revered movie star who otherwise would be sending an endorsement by patronizing their casino floor.
Also, he didn’t do anything wrong!

Is Ben Affleck a genius?
Also, what does it say about a guy who has the mental capacity to count cards at a blackjack table anyway? Doesn’t that only speak to his intelligence? Isn’t that something Americans, especially in today’s ‘geek’ culture, admire?
So, understanding his legions of fans and high exposure lifestyle, it is funny to watch the Hard Rock Hotel tiptoe around this situation. After all, it isn’t even illegal to count cards – and it can’t even be proven he was doing it.
Which also begs the question after so many jokes about Matt Damon penning Good Will Hunting and Affleck just adding his name as the script was flying out the door, was it really Ben Affleck who was the true inspiration behind the movie?